Broken Heart Ring
Gorgeous Sterling Silver Prayer Box Ring with "Sterling stitching" on the side. A 6 carat Imperial Topaz sits atop the "distressed" top of the Heart shaped Prayer Box.
An Adjustable Sterling Silver Ring Shank adorns the back.
Imperial Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates and aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most. It promotes truth and forgiveness. Topaz brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. It is known as a stone of love and good fortune.
Prayers take many Forms. They can be a prayer learned as a child, recited every day that we can remember. They can be a rush of emotion followed by a plea. They can also be just a few words, one or two even, whispered in the privacy of our own hearts and minds.
The “prayer boxes” I use in my work have been used for hundreds of years. Those few words, uttered in hope, in support, or to banish fear or confusion. Within my prayer boxes I have either engraved or written words of prayer, or if you will, plea’s to my God, to myself, and to the great Universe that surrounds us. Prayer boxes have been around for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. They hold all of the good, the hope, and potential outcomes from within our hearts and our souls. They have great meaning and Power. I use them in my work to impart the sense and strength of the words written within. I hope that they will lift up your Spirit when you wear them, as they have lifted up my Spirit in gifting them to you.
Almost 5000 years ago, ancient Egypt was the first known culture where people would exchange "rings of love" often made of woven reeds or leather. It is said that the Egyptians saw the ring, a circle, as a powerful symbol. Rings can also be traced to ancient Rome, when Aulus Gellius cited Appianus as saying that the ancient Egyptians had found a fine nerve linking the fourth finger to the heart. Occasionally rings have been re-purposed to hang from bracelets or necklaces. The signet ring is traditionally worn on the left pinky or little finger.